

英 ['məʊbaɪlz]
美 ['moʊbaɪlz]


  • abbr.

    motion sculptures (plastic forms in motion) 运动雕塑(运动造型);

  • n.

    风铃,(可随风摆动的)悬挂饰物( mobile的名词复数 );

  • 英英释义


    • n.
      • a river in southwestern Alabama; flows into Mobile Bay

        同义词:Mobile River

      • a port in southwestern Alabama on Mobile Bay
      • sculpture suspended in midair whose delicately balanced parts can be set in motion by air currents
    • adj.
      • moving or capable of moving readily (especially from place to place)

        "a mobile missile system"; "the tongue is...the most mobile articulator"

      • (of groups of people) tending to travel and change settlements frequently

        "a restless mobile society"


      • having transportation available
      • capable of changing quickly from one state or condition to another

        "a highly mobile face"

      • affording change (especially in social status)

        "upwardly mobile"




    mobile phone手机;行动电话

    mobile communication移动式通信

    china mobile中国移动通讯(世界500强之一)

    mobile robot移动式遥控装置

    mobile telephone n. 手机;移动电话;大哥大

    mobile phase(色谱分析的)流动相

    mobile device移动设备,移动装置;行动装置

    mobile service移动业务;手机服务

    mobile platform动平台;可自行移动的近海钻井平台;移动式平台;流动平台

    mobile station[电信]移动电台

    mobile number手机号码

    mobile equipment移动设备,移动式设备

    mobile crane移动吊车,移动式起重机

    mobile radio移动式无线电通信;移动无线电通信;移动式无线电台

    mobile library流动图书馆;图书馆车;宣传车

    mobile home n. (拖车型)活动房屋;拖车住房

    mobile computer笔记型电脑,移动计算机

    mobile carrier动态载体;可动载流

    upwardly mobile adj. (社会、经济地位)向上升的,有上升趋势的

    mobile unit车载设备



    Planar Maps as Labeled Mobiles
    Location tracking of mobiles in cellular radio networks
    Location Based Services for Mobiles :Technologies and Standards
    Perpetual Contact: Mobiles and the Norwegian teen: identity, gender and class
    Estimating position and velocity of mobiles in a cellular radio network
    IoT:Power Controlling Through Internet of Thing in Mobiles
    Mobiles Lernen in praktischen Trainings - Lernzielerreichung vor dem Hintergrund von Motivation und Akzeptanz der Zielgruppe
    The Gift of the Gab? : A Design Oriented Sociology of Young People's Use of Mobiles
    Procede pour systemes telephoniques mobiles dans lequel au moins deux identites activees selectivement par l'utilisateur sont affect...
    InP-based high-performance monostable-bistable transition logic elements (MOBILEs) using integrated multiple-input resonant-tunnelin...